Category: Mac

Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development

The writing, editing, and reviewing are done, and Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development is set to go to press. The publication date is listed as November 9 on both the Apress site and...

Mac OS X Programming Editor Roundup

When I got my first Mac in 2004, I found few programming editors. Since then, however, Mac OS X has birthed many programming editors that match or beat options on other computing platforms. I’ve...

Peach or Pumpkin?

Rather than catching up on sleep after we finished writing the first edition of Pro Core Data for iOS, Michael Privat and I have been working both on the second edition of that book...

Cmd+F Launches Finder — Thanks, Alfred!

One thing I like about Windows is that Start+E launches an Explorer window. I get frustrated when Cmd+Tabbing to a Finder window on Mac OS X, and for some reason I usually have difficulty...