Author: Rob Warner

Building Microservices in Go Using Go Kit

Last August, I spoke at Code on the Beach on building microservices in Go using Go kit. Here’s the video: The repo I used is available at and the Node CLI is available...

Restricting ripgrep to certain file types

I’ve been using ripgrep to search files for awhile, but I hadn’t figured out how to recursively search only certain file types. Anytime I needed to search, say, for any occurrence of “doFoo” in Go...

Ctags for GraphQL Schemas

I’ve been developing some GraphQL services lately. Since I use Neovim (and fzf) for editing, I wanted Ctags support for my schema files. Here’s what I came up with: I’d love feedback — thanks!

Another Windows Scammer

I got another call yesterday from “Windows Tech Support” that went something like this: Him (moderate accent): “Hi, I’m calling from Windows Tech Support, and . . .” Me: “Oh, no! Do I have...

Brandon from Windows

I just got a call from “Brandon from Windows” that I wish I’d recorded. He, of course, told me (in a Bangalorean accent) that my computer had malware issues. Our conversation went something like...

URLs as Pictograms

I started my car to the chime of a low fuel alert, so I stopped at the Kangaroo for gas and my Morning Mormon Coffee (today’s edition: Diet Dr Pepper). While filling my cup,...